There Must Be More To Life Than This?

‘There Must Be More To Life Than This’, is a statement of being personally unfulfilled.

Being mentally unfulfilled is the effect of not knowing that one has a vision for one’s life. When I have forgotten that I have a chosen vision for my life, there is no way for me to fulfil it. Fulfilling one’s vision for one’s life is the only true pathway to fulfilment. Only once I know my personal vision for my life can I fulfil it and feel fulfilled in life. I cannot fulfil my life’s purpose without the intuitive knowledge of what it is.

We are always fulfilling our life’s purpose, yet few are doing it on purpose. It is only when I walk my path on purpose that I am able to feel fulfilled. When I feel fulfilled, I feel full of joy because I am fulfilling my purpose in life. When I am on a mission to fulfil my purpose, I am content with my life.

There must be more to life than this, is a statement of discontentment and dissatisfaction with life. The purpose in life is never to satisfy myself, but to allow my Self to feel content. When I feel my contentment, I intuitively know that everything in my life is abundant and there for the fulfilment of my journey.

When I feel that there is something missing in my life, it is my sense of purpose that is missing. My sense of purpose is only sensed intuitively. Neither material objects nor possessions will ever make me feel content.

Contentment is the feeling of being on track in the flow of abundance that Divine Providence always provides. Abundance is the emotional feeling of having enough to allow my contentment with life. The simplest way to attain contentment is to want for nothing. When I want for nothing, there is a recognition of always having enough in every present moment, which ensures my contentment.

It is a joy to feel content and be fulfilled with life. The purpose of physical life is to be content and feel the emotional joy of being mentally fulfilled. Fulfilment, contentment & joy are the three attainments of True Spiritual Happiness.

When fulfilment, contentment & joy are freely flowing in my experience, I am happy and there is nothing more to life than feeling True Happiness.

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