The Three Fundamental Properties of Energy

All forms of Energy have three fundamental properties of force, magnitude & potential.

The force & magnitude of Energy determines its potential.

From a Physical perspective: The force of energy is called gravity, the magnitude of energy is called magnetism, and the potential is called electricity.

From an Electrician’s perspective: The force is called volts, the magnitude is called amps and the potential is called watts.

From a Spiritual perspective: The force is called Light, the magnitude is called Love and the potential is called Life.

From a Personal Development perspective: The force is called self-confidence, the magnitude is called self-worth and the potential is my self-esteem.

From Cosmic perspective: The force is called Time, the magnitude is called Space and the Potential is called Reality.

From a Metaphysical perspective: I have a force of mental authority, a magnitude of emotional power and a potential of physical ability.

From a Divine perspective: The force is omniscient, the magnitude is omnipotent and the potential is omnipresent.

The fundamental magnitude of all Energy is the force of its Motion that enables its potential to be Matter.

The force of my thought relative to the magnitude of my emotion determines its potential ability to be creative.

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