The Mind Of God

The Mind of God is an oxymoron. God doesn’t mind at all. It is a condition of the acceptance of unconditional love that the mind doesn’t mind. It is a condition of the mind that determines the reality of every condition in life. We are all created with a mind, not from a mind.

Mind is a disparate aspect of the mentality of every individuated Soul. The mental reality of an individual mind, the mind of an Individual, separates every Self from its Soul. God doesn’t mind because the Soul allows each & every individuated Self unconditional choice. It is the unconditional love of the Soul that allows unconditional choice for each Self. An individual mind allows each Self to have personal choice.

The three aspects of a personal choice of mentality are:

  1. Mind
  2. Consciousness
  3. Thought

Mind is the 1st principle and principal element of a five dimensional Soul. Historically, it has been called Water, Aqua, Brahma, Nous, Sankhara; defining that which is fluid yet anchored, instinctive yet subjective.

The purpose of Mind is individual choice through conscious thought.

Knowing one’s own mind through conscious thought is ‘God’s Gift’ to its Soul-Self.

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