The Joy Of Yearning

We spend our first twenty years learning and our second twenty years earning. We spend our third twenty years yearning for what we haven’t learned or haven’t earned.

When I yearn for what I do not have, I attract the experience of not having whatever I am yearning for. Yearning is the power of Attraction, which can be a positive or a negative force; relative to personal perspective. It can be perceived to be either a beneficial or a detrimental experience.

For yearning to be a positively powerful attractive force, it requires a positively powerful attractive magnitude of Joy. With an emotional magnitude of joy, yearning is a potent force of attraction. When I allow the joy of yearning, I release its powerfully attractive potential force.

The thought that I do not have what I yearn and long for, has no joy, no power and is not attractive. Negative yearning is called longing because what I am yearning is a long time coming.

When the feeling with which I yearn is joy, my creative power is unblocked and effortlessly flowing. When I disallow my joy of yearning, I block my creative flow and what I am yearning is a long time longing.

Yearning with emotional joy expresses appreciation of my creative power to manifest my passion for what I desire. Positive yearning is the feeling of joy as my desires flow creatively through me. When my mental force of yearning is in harmony with my emotional magnitude of joy, a potentially creative experience is allowed to flow positively into my life.

It is my gratitude & appreciation that focuses my yearning into a joyful experience of what I have in life; instead of a negative longing for whatever I believe that I do not have in life. When my yearning acknowledges my desire, I feel a powerful surge of joy, which confirms my acceptance & approval of my allowance.

Joy is the power of my emotional wealth. The magnitude of my joy empowers my creative ability. The irony of life is that we learn to earn, to become physically rich enough to buy what we yearn for. This is negative yearning. What we are really missing and really yearning for is the joy of being happy and the joy of being creative.

Happy Creatives yearn with joy by allowing their positive emotional power to flow. The gratitude & appreciation that I feel for all the joy in my life is how I attest & affirm my creative ability. The more powerful my creative focus, the more I affirm my desire and the more passionate is my joy of yearning.

Yearning for joy is a statement of my own unhappiness caused by my own emotional disconnection to life.

Yearning with joy is a powerfully creative happy & fulfilling experience of contentment.

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