The Fourth Dimension Of Energy

The Fourth Dimension of Energy is Flow.

Flow is the sum of the force, the magnitude and the potential of energy.

From a three dimensional perspective, the potential of energy is relative to its force & magnitude, but from a four dimensional perspective, the absolute flow of energy becomes relative to the potential of its force & magnitude. Force & magnitude are the potential of absolute flow.

  • Absolute flow has a relative potential, which is relative to its magnitude of force
  • Absolute flow has a vibration, which is relative to its frequency & wavelength
  • Absolute flow has a reality, which is relative to its space & time
  • Absolute flow is an experience, which is relative to its thought & feeling

Absolute flow was originally defined by Philosophers as the Aether. Unfortunately, four dimensional flow cannot be seen from a two dimensional scientific perspective, which has no real vibrationally energetic potential.

Seen from a two dimensional scientifically intellectual perspective, flow is called:

  • The quantum void
  • The quantum vacuum
  • A quantum field
  • A point of dielectric inertia
  • Dark energy
  • Dark matter
  • A spatial plenum

Flow is the Universal Creative Potential. As science could not prove the existence of an Aether, it now defines four dimensional flow as: ‘A vortex of subtle, fluid, unknown vacuum, which is mass-less, continuous, non-viscous & incompressible; without material qualities but responsible for all the properties of matter’.

When our flow of unenlightened conscious thinking is without the flow of the empowered love of our emotional feelings, then our rational logic has no emotional intelligence, our spiritual logic is devoid of a fourth dimension to energy and our flow is greatly restricted and unable to be creative.

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