Spiritual Faith

Spiritual means energetic.

Spirituality is the reality of energy.

Spirit is the energy of my thoughts, emotions & experiences.

To have faith in my physical experience of Life, I require faith in my emotional feelings of Love and faith in my mental capacity of Light. The mental capacity of Light is its ability to communicate guidance through intuitive thoughts.

I have certain faith in the direction of my intuitive spiritual guidance. My emotional competence of Love has the ability to support and empower my faithful path with positive intuitive feelings. My physical capability, to follow my spiritual path in Life, is relative to my faith in my intuitive guidance & support.

I have spiritual faith in the inspired revelations of guidance & support that are continuously available through my intuitive connection with my Soul.

I have faith in my spiritual senses because I intuitively know, see & feel how certain I am in their clarity, direction & presence. With the presence of clear direction, I am certain in my choice of spiritual faith and I am certain of my faith in my spiritual choice.

I have faith in the certainty of my spiritual intuition. When my intuition is certain, my faith is assured and I am effortlessly flowing with my Soul’s faithful spirit; without resistance, entropy or chaos.

My spiritual faith is the energy of certainty that inspires and empowers my every choice of action.

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