Space & Distance

Space & Distance appear to be the same thing, from a relative perspective.

Distance is the measure of space between physical objects.

Distances in outer space appear infinitely large.

Distances in inner space appear infinitely small.

Whether space appears to be infinitely large or infinitely small depends on whether I am looking outwards or inwards at the universe.

An infinitely large macro-verse and an infinitely small micro-verse are just a perception of my perspective.

From an absolute existential perspective, Space is a measure of the magnitude of Energy.

Space is relative only to perspective.

From an absolute perspective Space has no distance.

From a relative perspective the magnitude of space creates distance.

The greater the distance between objects, the greater the magnitude space appears to have.

Yet from an absolute perspective, there is as much space between the electrons and the proton in an atom as there is between the sun and its planets.

The Magnitude of Space is a constant that is relative to the force & potential of its time & reality.


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