
Sovereignty is the independent state, of an empowered personal authority, which enables the wisdom of beneficial choice.

Sovereignty is a choice that allows absolute dominion over one’s own personal experience of life.

Sovereignty is the Oneness of a supra-conscious essence, aligned with super-conscious awareness of the quality, that is consciously attained and sub-consciously attributable to one’s Self.

With Sovereignty:

  1. I intuitively feel good, know my right choices and see my opportunities in life
  2. I am empowered, inspired & blessed with guidance, support & provision
  3. My boundaries align with my standards, as I am being unto others as I choose others to be unto me
  4. My thoughts, words, actions, beliefs & feelings are all congruous
  5. My essential nature is physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually harmonious
  6. My destiny has a vision, mission & purpose for my life
  7. I have a unique, individual & exclusive; clarity, direction & presence; in my pursuit of personal exploration, discovery & experience

My Sovereignty is:

  1. Just embracing the opportunity of being gently accepting of life
  2. A personal choice of wise fulfilling discernment
  3. The gratitude of a healthy contentment of enough abundant provision
  4. The way of love, with a joyful wealth of empathic compassion
  5. The equable grace of approving a mutually soulful sharing experience
  6. The resilient goodness of allowing others their authority to enlighten & enliven their own life
  7. The grateful appreciation of my participation in the evolution of leading my own life by following my own path of expansive spiritual growth

Your Sovereignty is: Your dominion over whatever thou has chosen for thy Self.

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