Sole Control

Sole Control applies only to my Self.

When life happens to me, I am controlled by whatever is occurring in my life. My sub-conscious id reacts to risk & danger, with an instinctive strategy of fight or flight.

When life happens by me, my ego self takes control of whatever is occurring, in order to maintain being in control and avoid being out of control. A conflict of egos causes a control drama to determine who is controlling whom and who is controlled by whom.

When life happens through me, I cede control to my Soul. When I allow my Soul to be in control of its Self, I have no need of control over others or control by others. I am solely aware of my Self being in conscious control of whatever is occurring. I feel in sole control because I am allowing my Soul’s emotional power of being in control to flow effortlessly through me, under control.

When I try to use my physical, mental or emotional power to control other people, my perspective shifts from life happening through me to life happening by me. My self-control shifts from sole control of my Self, to the control of other people by my Self.

When I try to take control of what is happening to me, with the perspective of self restraint, I am restraining myself by controlling myself. Self restraint goes out of control when either my tolerance or my patience runs out.

Sole control is the Self allowing control to be in alignment with its Soul. When the Soul is the Sole Controller, I am neither controlling others nor being controlled by others because my ego sense of Self is under control.

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