Seeing A Clear Direction

Seeing a Clear Direction on a physical journey requires a map and sign posts. I view a map and sign posts with my physical sense of sight.

Seeing a Clear Direction on my spiritual journey requires intuition. Intuition is my insight, inner sight, inner vision or inner tuition. I intuitively see with the inspired imagination of my higher mind. It is the imagination of my higher mind that allows my choice of vision and purpose for my life. It is also the intuition of the higher mind that perceives the sign posts that are present and presented on my spiritual journey through physical life.

A Clear Direction requires a clear connection to the source of my Spiritual Guidance. Spiritual guidance is my direction from my Spiritual Director. My Spiritual Guide, my Inner Tutor & my Spiritual Director is my Soul. The Higher Mind of my Soul sees the bigger picture for my life and the life path for my destined journey.

The Soul guides its Self on a path, without telling its Self the way. The Soul gives its Self sovereign choice to create the journey itself. I can journey on my path, with or without the perception of a Soul. The perception of the Soul is non-judgmental. With no judgment of right or wrong, there is just the way of effortless flow. The Soul guides its Self on a path of no resistance, which is experienced as the effortless flow of beneficial opportunities. The Soul knows the path of expansive growth, which is the sole purpose of each experiential Self.

The Soul always sees a clear direction for its Self in life, just as it sees a clear purpose for its Self in life. Learning the Soul’s vision & purpose for its Self, is intuitive. Without intuition, I cannot learn my unique, individual and exclusive purpose for my life. Without intuition, I have no knowledge of my Soul, my sovereignty, my vision or my reason for taking this journey through life.

Seeing a Clear Direction for my life requires me to intuitively see what my Soul has chosen for its Self, on purpose. With this inner vision for my life, I am able to experience only what has True Value for my Self. The true value of life is experienced with the intuitive awareness of seeing one’s own individual, unique & exclusive reason, meaning & purpose, with clarity & direction.

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