Reality Is A Contextual Field

Reality is relative to a contextual field called an energy aura.

An aura is a personal energy vibration. The vibration of my personal aura is a contextual field, which determines my individual reality. Reality is as unique to each Individual as the personal vibration of their energy aura.

It is my energy vibration that gives my reality context. The circumstances under which my life unfolds is how I experience my reality. How I experience my life unfolding is the context of my reality.

My aura is an energetic expression of my personally stored mental programmes. My store of personal programmes & beliefs is my perspective of the unfolding of my reality, since my birth into human form.

My life unfolds through choice, whether I am consciously choosing it or not. My conscious choices, together with my sub-conscious choices, form the basis of the context of my sub-conscious programming. My sub-conscious programming forms as a contextual mental field, which is the vibration of my sub-conscious mind.

Every energetic vibration has both a frequency of time and a wavelength of space that determines its vibration of reality. The context of my energetic frequency is relative to the time in which I am living. The context of my energetic wavelength is relative to the space in which I inhabit.

I am the creator of my own space-time-reality. My aura is the creation of the frequency of my thoughts and the wavelength of my emotions. The purer the frequency of my thoughts, the finer the quality of my experience and the purer the wavelength of my emotions.

A pure frequency of thought allows clarity of direction on a pure wavelength of emotional feeling. The choice of a clear direction always feels good because it offers no resistance and a joyful present opportunity is always seen as being beneficial.

When aligned with a pure vibration of mental thought & emotional feeling, I am experiencing my reality unfolding in alignment with my Soul’s vision for its Self. My Soul gives life to its Self for a purpose. When I see my purpose in life as the fulfilment of my Soul’s vision, I put my life into context. The purpose of life is to live life with a real purpose and see, with meaning, the reason my life is unfolding as it is.

When I am lost, confused and frustrated on my journey through life, it is because I am out of alignment with my divine path, which means that I am disconnect from my higher guidance & support. The guidance & support of my higher super-conscious mind allows my Self to put my personal reality into context.

In its true context, my life has a vision, mission & purpose with a reasonable meaning. With the meaning in context, I can see the reason for my purpose. My purpose is always the emotional feeling that I experience through life. My reason is always my intellectual choice, which is based on the context of my programmed beliefs.

When my programmed beliefs are founded on impure thinking and other people’s premise, my intellectual choice can seem to be reasonable, yet meaningless and unfulfilling. When disconnected from my Soul’s mental guidance & emotional support, I am driven by the context of other people’s programmed beliefs.

At the highest level of Consciousness, I am choosing the context of my life by choosing the culture, creed & character of the family into which I am born. This higher conscious choice of birth context specifically allows personal life experiences that offer the greatest opportunities for the spiritual growth of the Soul.

As I adopt the programmed beliefs of my birth family, I share their experiences of life with a similar context; as I have their same perspective of reality. The great paradox of life is that we have all come into life with our very own individual, unique & exclusive path in life, to be guided & supported by parents or guardians with their very own individual, unique & exclusive path in life.

I have adopted the clarity, direction & presence of the opportunities afforded by my parents as well as the chaos, confusion & frustration of the problems that they are and have been facing in their life.

The reality is that other people in my family, society & country are giving my life context, until I awaken to the realisation that my personal vibration is only individually unique to me, when I consciously decide to make it so. Only then can I individually choose the context of the unique vibrational field of my own personal reality.

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