Putting Life Into Perspective

When I put life into my perspective, my perspective comes to life and I am able to put my perspective into my life.

Perspective is the Light of the Conscious Thought of my Mind. Whatever I focus my mind upon, I shed light on. When my mind focuses on the Light of Conscious Thought, I attain a pure perspective of Life.

A pure perspective of life is the effect of a pure frequency of mental thought (light) transmitted on a pure wavelength of emotional feeling (love). The physical experience of pure emotional feeling is how I know my focus is on a pure mental thought.

The intellect of the conscious, ego, thinking mind influences the purity of every mental thought. I intellectually reason the polarity of my thinking as being either good or bad for myself. I think that my choices in life should always be positive & beneficial. I therefore avoid making choices that are negatively detrimental. I call these choices bad or wrong as opposed to the good or right choices, which I believe are most beneficial.

Alas, when the mental intellect of the egotistical mind disconnects from the emotional guidance of intuitive feeling, there is no certain way of knowing what is beneficial or detrimental for oneself. Only my sense of intuitive knowing, aligned with my sense of intuitive feeling, allows me to intuitively see what is certainly beneficial for my Self.

It is by balancing the perspective of my intellectual reasoning, with the perception of my intuitive feelings, that I am able to effortlessly take the opportunities, which are always my beneficial choice. When I see only beneficial opportunities appearing in my life, my true perspective comes to life and I am putting my life into its true perspective.

My perspective comes to life when I see that physical experience (life) is the effect of mental thought (light) and emotional feeling (love). With a directly enlightened thought, inspired with a clearly empowered feeling, an ideal experience of life is potentially present in my reality. This is my true perspective of the life that I have chosen for my Self. It aligns with my true thoughts and my true feelings, to allow a true experience of who I really am; fulfilling my purpose for being alive.

When I put this perspective, of a beneficial chosen path of unfolding opportunities, into my life; then I realise that this is my true experience of life and I perceive it to be true as I physically experience it as being My Perspective of Life.

I put my perspective into life, when I stop putting other people’s perspectives into my life. I put my life into my perspective instead of into other people’s perspective of how my life should be.

My true perspective allows my life to effortlessly unfold before me, as I have chosen and as I will always choose for it to do.

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