
In Ancient Greek, Psychotherapy translated as “Beneficial for the Soul”.

What is beneficial and therapeutic for the psyche or soul is for my Self to be at one with my Soul.

Psychotherapy literally translates as a therapy that aligns one with one’s Soul.

Then along came Sigmund Freud who is credited with being the creator of ‘psycho-analysis’.

He believed that the ‘Psyche’ was composed of the three aspects of Consciousness, that are the id, the ego and the super-ego.

This became confused when Carl Jung created a conceptual distinction between the psyche and the soul.

From this point in time, therapists have been studying the psyche and the soul has been relegated to ancient history.

Modern day psychotherapy sees itself as a treatment for the ‘Mind’ that is one’s brain.

It has become confused between the sub-conscious and the super-ego, with no clear distinction between the Id and the Entity.

With no clear distinction between the Id (Self) and the Entity (Soul), there is no clear personal identity.

This leaves psychotherapy treating the misalignment of personality and character as discerned by modern morality and ethics, which are the standards of an individual conscious ego.

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