
Platitudes are trite, stale, insipid beliefs that are personally limiting because they override conscious individual choice. I would never consciously choose to express a platitude, nor choose it as a true belief.

Axioms, Adages, Idioms, Proverbs, Maxims & Old Wives Tales are all similarly limiting beliefs.

A limiting belief is any belief that restricts my personal choice of behaviour because of conformity to the authority of other people’s principle axioms, ethical idioms, familiar adages, moral proverbs, elitist maxims or traditional rules.

  • An Axiom is an established rule that is self evident to law abiding people
  • An Adage is a traditional saying, which is a generational old wives tale
  • An Idiom is a professional ethic
  • A Proverb is a moral instruction
  • A Maxim is a guide to etiquette and best behaviour

All Platitudes are bereft of truly inspired revelation.

All limiting beliefs are without the empowered authority of conscious personal choice.

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