Participating & Competing

I compete to win.

I participate to grow.

I compete to win or lose.

I participate in life.

Winning & losing are a duality and a drama.

I cannot compete without entering the drama of the competition between the winners & the losers.

Whether I compete against others or against myself, I risk losing in order to win.

Participating effectively in life requires the ability to overcome the duality of winning & losing.

Competition either explores or exploits the inequalities of human character & personality.

Participation is taking my part in the free-flowing effortlessness of life.

Once I have overcome the need to win and the fear of losing, I become a successful participant who cannot lose.

Participating in life is always a win-win situation.

Competing is only good for those who need to win.

Without the need to compete & win, I participate in life as a True Winner.

But, first I have to win the right to participate.



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