Pain & Discomfort

Pain & Discomfort are relative intensities of my lack of emotional energy.

Being disconnected from my emotional power is uncomfortable and can be very painful.

The greater my disconnection, the greater my potential to experience pain.

Life offers a great potential and many opportunities for the experience of pain.

My ability to choose a disconnected path allows the painful experience of being disconnected from my emotional power.

Discomfort is created by resistance and is a sign that I am travelling in the wrong direction.

It can be seen as a sign to change the inclination of my perspective and the direction of my path.

Why would I choose to travel in a painful direction?

When I am on track and flowing with emotional energy, there is neither pain nor discomfort.

Pain is a natural way of stopping me in my tracks and making me reflect upon my present path.

Discomfort only occurs outside of my comfort zone.

It is essential to growth, whereas pain is not.

I am required to experience my lack of emotional power in order to appreciate its full potential.

Extending my comfort zone is my way to become pain-free and more powerful.

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