
Non-Dualism is a belief system that reprograms the intellect to believe that it has no identity and doesn’t really exist.

Non-Dualism is a belief in the Gospel of Oneness, which dictates that the connection to Source is the same for everyone & everything. It believes that a separation from Source is just an illusion and the oneness of no separation is the one reality.

Non-Dualism believes that duality is a creation of the ego and that denying the intellect will transcend the ego sense of Self. The physical focus of non-dualism is on a non-physical experience of oneness with everything.

Non-Dualism is divine direction filtered through a distorted belief system. The distortions of a dual reality existential experience cannot be transcended by ignoring or denying the reality of a relative experience of space & time.

Non-Dualism believes in an absolute experience of non-dual reality, in contrast to a relative experience of dual reality. It ignores the fact that non-dual & dual, absolute & relative, are a dual choice of reality; even though they are not a choice of a non-dualistic perspective.

When integrity is defined as the oneness of the Self with its own exclusive Soul Entity, then the inclusive non-dogma of oneness with everything is out of integrity with one’s true Self.

Non-Dualism preaches an inclusive connection to the source of everything, which is realistically something called nothing. It is actually expressing:

  • An inclusive attachment to something called other people
  • An irrational unemotional awareness of nothing called no self identity
  • A disconnected insensitivity to one’s Self
  • A sympathetic apathy with everything

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