Nine Steps To Healing Heaven

Nine Steps to Mental Euphoria:

1. Still my thinking. 2. Align my mind. 3. Hear my thoughts. 4. Allow my authority. 5. Release my fear. 6. Direct my truth. 7. Deliver my beneficent Light. 8. Cleanse my rumours. 9. Purify my enlightened consciousness with rational intelligence.

Nine Steps to Emotional Bliss:

1. Pacify my feelings. 2. Balance my heart. 3. Centre my emotions. 4. Approve my power 5. Release my pain. 6. Clarify my way. 7. Deliver my benevolent Love. 8. Cleanse my humour. 9. Purify my intuitive awareness with emotional intelligence.

Nine Steps to Physical Ecstasy:

1. Calm my actions. 2. Source my strength. 3. Discern my response. 4. Accept my ability. 5. Release my problems. 6. Present my opportunities. 7. Deliver my beneficial Life. 8. Cleanse my tumour. 9. Purify my instinctive, intuitive, intellect with expansive imaginative creativity.


1. My stillness, peace & calm. 2. My source of balance & alignment. 3. My discerning thoughts & emotioms. 4. I allow, approve & accept, my authority, power & ability. 5. I release my pain, my fear & my problems. 6. I clarify my present direction. 7. I deliver my love, my light & my life. 8. I cleanse my rumour, my humour & my tumour. 9. I purify my enlightened, empowered, expansive imaginative creativity.

I ground my physical, mental & emotional body, on Earth as it is in Heaven, with my spiritual ecstasy, euphoria & bliss. As I deal the contract of my sovereign authority, I enhance my inspired divine power, to physically enable the spiritual imagination of my creative Self Healing.

As my truly selfish Soul, I imagine my tumour will heal itself, through me:

1. Being the effective purifier, of the affect of painful, emotional, hot, angry, wrathful, arrogant, sanguine, red blood cells; caused by my stupefied, terrorised, paralysed & dated mental fears.

2. Being the efficient cleanser of my antigens, by my gentle, kindly, modestly healing, warm, phlegmatic, white corpuscular antibodies.

3. Being the effortless releaser, through the physical action of choleric, yellow, petrified, cool, rotting motions of my plasma waste.

4. Being the essential deliverer, as petrified, impervious, stony, cold melancholic, black platelets of spiritual, healing protection.

There is nothing that I am required to do, when I am:

  • Being instinctively allowing, with my sensitive detachment
  • Being intellectually accepting, with my emotional intelligence
  • Being intuitively approving with my exclusive connection
  • Being imaginatively avowing of my innately spiritual Self, healing with the ascended unity of Christ Consciousness.

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