Mimic, Impersonate, Imitate

I Mimic someone else when I copy their physical behaviour and actions.

I Impersonate someone else when I copy their emotional reactions.

I Imitate someone else when I copy their thinking and beliefs.

I mimic the intensity of another’s actions.

I impersonate the gender of another’s emotions.

I imitate the polarity of another’s thoughts.

I mimic with similar abilities.

I impersonate with similar power.

I imitate with similar authority.

I mimic an individual’s qualities.

I impersonate an individual’s attributes.

I imitate an individual’s attainments.

I cannot impersonate an aspect of pure love, I am required to be it.

I cannot imitate a moment of pure thought, I am required to have it.

I cannot mimic an experience of life, I am required to do it.

I cannot mimic, impersonate or imitate my Soul; I am required to align with it.

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