Inventor, Innovator, Initiator

An Inventor develops new things to Have.

An Innovator develops new ways of Doing things.

An Initiator develops new ways of Being.

All new developments are inventions, innovations or intiations.

Invention requires imagination to allow expansive mental growth.

Innovation requires imagination to allow the expansive growth of physical experience.

Initiation requires imagination to allow the expansive growth of emotional essence.

All inventors innovate & initiate.

Being inventive & innovative are attainments of all initiators.

Innovators all use their inventive initiative.

We all use imagination to create intuitively, inventively & innovatively with initiative.

Imagination, invention, innovation & initiation all require an intuitive spiritual connection.

I initiate with my spiritual power, I invent with my spiritual authority & I innovate with my spiritual ability when I am aligned with the intuitive imagination of my super-conscious Soul.

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