
Ingenuousness is Inner Genuineness!

It is a natural quality.

It is the childlike quality of being direct, straightforward, innocent, naive & trusting.

I do not need to attain ingenuousness as it is a natural quality. However, I do need to choose to be ingenuous, in order to attribute it to myself.

We are not taught to be ingenuous when it is defined as being innocent or naive and lacking in cunning, guile or worldliness. We are taught to be reserved rather than openly ingenuous, cautious rather than trusting, worldly rather than naive and cunning and artful, as long as it is not sly and deceitful.

Apparently, ingenuousness is being free of artful deceit by being crafty & cunning. We are taught to be candid, forthright & direct as long as it does not offend others and to be reserved and diplomatic in order to please others.

Ingenuousness requires the qualities of being open, honest, fair, impartial & candid. It expresses the purity & brightness of our natural essence.

Ingenuousness is blocked when our spiritual connection is blocked. Our spiritual connection is blocked when we are taught to not be childish, not be trusting, not be naive; so as to be worldly wise to the deceit and disingenuous nature of other people.

We are all guilty of losing our innocence and our trust when we lose the spiritual faith of our inner-genuousness, our genuine reality.

My genuine reality is the purity and brightness of my enlightened path, which is direct and straightforward with the wisdom of my world. It is innocent of all guilt and intuitively guided with an implicit trust in my own faith in my Self. It is child-like without being childish.

My ingenuous inner genius is my inner guide.

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