Impatience & Intolerance

Impatience is a lack of emotional power.

I require emotional power to be patient.

I can be patient for as long as I have enough emotional energy.

When I start to run out of emotional energy, I become impatient.

Anger is extreme impatience.

Intolerance is caused by a limiting belief.

It is a belief that what is occurring should not be happening because it is not authorised or allowed.

I am tolerant when whatever is occurring is manageable, bearable & endurable.

When I am no longer able to tolerate what is occurring, it becomes intolerable.

At the extreme of my intolerance, I get mad.

My slight mental madness called intolerance is often the cause of my petty emotional anger called impatience.

I am required to become patient & tolerant in order to learn to become approving & allowing of whatever I am presented with in life.

Truly accepting every opportunity in life requires neither tolerance or intolerance, nor patience or impatience.

It requires my own emotional power and mental authority to be personally enabled.

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