Happiness Is Intuitive

When I look for happiness with my five physical senses, I will find only other people’s unhappiness.

Happiness is an emotional state of being, which is energetic, not physical. I will not experience energy with my physical senses. I experience physical reality with my physical senses and I experience happiness with my intuitive senses. I see that I am happy, I feel happy or I know that I am happy.

When looking for happiness, I need to know its Source. Once I know the source of happiness, I need to learn how to connect to it. It is my disconnection from the source of my happiness that causes a need for happiness, which is called unhappiness or sadness. I seek happiness when I am unhappy or sad because I am not happy. I am only ever unhappy with my disconnection from my true source of happiness.

My unhappiness is the effect of my disconnection from Source and it is my disconnection from Source that enables unhappiness to be my experience. Happiness is attained instantly when I connect to Source.

The source of all happiness is the Heart Centre at the Core of our Beingness, which is the essence of who we are. The essence of who I am is the positive emotional state of being that I am expressing. When I express my positive happiness, I am connected to Source but when I express my negative state of being unhappy, I am not.

Being my essential Self is my connection to my source of happiness. Essentially, I am happy being my true Self. Being other than the essence of my true Self has the potential for being unhappy.

I intuitively experience happiness as an awareness of my essential Beingness. Happiness is an energy that I am aware of intuitively. Intuitive senses and happiness are an inherent potential of everyone. However, everyone has their own relatively expansive or contractive connection to their intuitive source of happiness. Essentially, I am contracted to experience unhappiness before I can realise whether I am being happy or not.

In essence, I feel happy when I know that I am happy and when I know that I am happy, I feel happy, you see. When I see that my happiness is a reality, I get happy and I get happiness. I get that happiness is an emotional experience of feeling a physical awareness of seeing what I mentally know to be essentially true.

Living the experience of our true Self is the gateway to happiness. I can never experience the essence of my true Self and be unhappy. The essence of my true Self is seen through the intuitive authority of my higher mind and the intuitive power of my inner heart.

I intuitively connect to the super-conscious thoughts of my higher mind and I intuitively connect to the power of my Soul through the feeling centre of my solar plexus. When my mental mind & my emotional feelings are in balance, I intuitively see life through an open heart that is innately happy.

Happiness is not something that happens to me. Finding happiness occurs by me when I allow happiness to flow into me, out of me & through me. Happiness flows into my heart and out through the consciousness of my mind and the feelings of my solar plexus.

Happiness is a conscious physical experience of my mental awareness of my emotional feelings when I intuitively know it, feel it and see it to be my essential true nature.

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