
Force is a natural property of energy.

When I allow the natural force of energy to flow, I access its potential power.

The natural force of energy in flow is its authority.

Energetic force is naturally authorised to flow.

Any force that I initiate is a counter force & is not authorised.

I do not have to use force or force anything.

I just have to allow it.

Allowing energy to flow utilises its power.

Unauthorised force is will power.

When I use will power, energy becomes a property of force and its potential is reversed.

I will have to motivate my will power.

Natural force is authorised, empowered & enabled.

I just have to flow with it.

The potential of energy is equal to the authority of its force & the magnitude of its power.

When I allow the energetic force to flow, I access its energetic power.

May the force be with you.

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