
Folly is the absence of Wisdom. It is the act of a foolish person.

“Nobody Suffers Fools Gladly”

Many people suffer from the actions of fools, but none suffer foolish behaviour gladly.

Gladly is an acknowledgement of the acceptance of a beneficial action. I am gladdened by my own and other people’s beneficial actions. I never suffer from a beneficial action. A beneficial action is always wise.

Historically, the Fool’s purpose was to make the King look wise. Unfortunately the absence of folly is not the path of a Wise Man but the mind of a rational intellect. It is the intellect that determines whether an action is intellectually rational or an irrational folly.

Many people tolerate the actions of fools but none do it gladly. Whatever I am tolerating is never beneficial. We consider tolerance as preferable to intolerance but it doesn’t make it beneficial.

Only once I am immune from my own suffering can I become exempt from the folly of other people. Suffering is a folly. Only fools suffer the folly of their own foolish actions. Only fools suffer the foolish actions of other people.

Victims of intolerance to folly react with either fight or flight. I either react and fight against the folly of the people who are causing my suffering or I flee the confrontation that their folly is causing.

As we are taught to avoid the conflict that foolish people cause, so we also try to avoid, ignore and deny the chaos of our own folly. We fight against our own ability to do foolish things. We turn a blind eye to our own folly lest we become exposed as a hypocrite.

Immunity from fools is attained when I exempt my Self from the folly of other people’s dramas. Every drama in life is a folly. Life is only intense and dramatic because I believe that I need it to be. Life is intensely dramatic for people who need life to be intense and dramatic.

My detached sensitivity with other people, allows me to see the folly of their dramas. My detachment from other people’s dramas, allows me to avoid the folly of their ways.

  • Sensitive detachment is my immunity to other people’s folly
  • My exclusive connection to the source of my emotional power & mindful wisdom is my immunity to my own potential folly

It is always a folly to act foolishly because it attracts the folly of other fools. Only a fool sees other people’s folly as beneficial.

My sub-conscious reaction to fight or flight, confront or deny, is always a folly. I cannot flee from my own folly and I cannot fight it. I can exempt myself from it by being immune to it with a healthy dose of innate wisdom.

Wisdom is the only antidote to folly.

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