Faith Is Being Absolutely Certain

Faith is Being Absolutely Certain because without faith, there is just trust. When my faith relies on trust, it is never certain.

I am faithful when I am certain. When I am uncertain, I become someone else’s disciple. I follow my own path with certainty when I am faithful. With certainty, I faithfully follow my own path.

My own path is intuitive. Intuition is absolutely certain. My intuitive path is never uncertain. I have certain faith in my own intuitive path. I never follow another’s path intuitively. Being the disciple of another’s path is never certain.

I follow another’s path with loyalty, not faith. I follow another’s direction because my intellect deems it reasonable. An intellectual path can prove to be both reasonable & unreasonable, certain & uncertain.

Only my own exclusive path allows my true purpose to be faithfully fulfilled. My faith fulfils my path with certainty. Without intuitive guidance, I have no way of being faithful. I am faithful to my way because I am certain of its benefit for my Self. Only my intuition can assure me of the beneficial path that is ensured.

My Soul has certain faith in its Self. It instils faith in its Self intuitively. The Soul faithfully guides & supports its Self with certainty. Guidance & support is provided in every way, on every step of the journey, with certainty.

Without intuition, there is no certainty and without certainty, there is no faith; and the best I can hope for is hope.

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