
My Environment is that which surrounds, embraces & environs me. From a physical perspective, I sense the material world, which surrounds me, with my physical senses. When all humans use the same physical senses to perceive their environment, they agree on the physical nature of their environment. This is called Science.

We are all embraced by the physical environment that surrounds us. We also surround the physical environment that exists within us. The environment without is an organic holon, which embraces organic life. The environment within is a cellular holon, which surrounds cellular life and embraces the life of my cells. These two environmental holons of existence embrace each other and operate together, yet separately.

The phrase ‘as within, so without’, has no meaning from a physical perspective. Our internal physical environment, in no way resembles our external physical environment.

From a spiritual perspective, I am a three part Being comprising of physical, mental & emotional energy. The energy aura that surrounds me has a physical, a mental and an emotional environment. When I embrace my true reality, I am embraced by the physical environment of material experience, the mental environment of my thoughts and the emotional environment of my feelings.

Metaphysically, these three spiritual environs are known as the astral mental plane, the emotional etheric plane and the physical corporeal plane. A plane is a two dimensional level of existence, development or achievement. In a three dimensional existence, I live in an environment, not on a plane. Unless that is, I am physically or metaphysically flying (as in astral projection).

How we embrace our inner thoughts and feelings determines the conditions of our external environmental experiences. Paradoxically, the conditions of our external environment can determine our internal thinking and emotions. I either influence & control my external environment or I am controlled & influenced by my external environment. Similarly, I either control my internal environment or I am controlled by my internal environment.

How I embrace my outer thinking & feeling experiences determines my inner reality. This means that my inner cellular health, is relative to how healthy my external environment appears to me. The condition of my mental & emotional environment is relative to the conditions that I impose upon it. My emotional environment is relative to my mental environment. Right thoughts allow good emotions but wrong thinking causes bad feelings.

Whereas, the condition of our external world is an environment that is shared by all other life forms, the condition of my internal environment is uniquely personal to me. According to Physical Scientists, the external physical world is the same for everyone. According to Mental Psycho-Analysts, the reality of our mental & emotional environments differs substantially from person to person and from their perspective, our thoughts and emotions have substance.

When my external organic environment is ideal & healthy, my inner cellular environment autonomously creates a similarly ideal & healthy experience of life. Ideal & Healthy are mental & emotional conditions that describe my environment when I ideally have a healthy perspective of life.

My ideal mental environment causes my healthy emotional environment, which allows the experience of my physical environment to be a healthy ideal. My mental ideal of inner peace overcomes any external conflict and my emotional inner clarity overcomes any external chaotic confusion.

As mentally & emotionally within, so physically without. I cannot directly control my external physical environment but I can directly influence my internal physical environment and when I change my internal mental & emotional environment, my experience of the external environment automatically comes into alignment.

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