Dislike & Unlike

I dislike the opposite of what I like.

I am unlike the opposite of what I am like.

Liking & disliking is what I do.

Being like or unlike is determined by my state of being.

I am like or unlike something according to the gender of its wavelength of energy vibration.

I like or dislike something according to the polarity of its frequency of energy vibration.

I like a positive polarity of energy and I dislike a negative polarity of energy.

What determines the polarity of a frequency is whether I like it or not.

I am like a similar male or female gender of emotional energy.

What determines the gender of a wavelength of my energy is the orientation of my perspective.

I think, therefore I like or dislike whatever I do.

I feel, therefore I am whatever I am like or unlike.

I like being like other people.

I dislike being unlike other people, that is unless I like being unlike other people.


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