
Disapproval is my negative emotional state of being that is caused by my belief that bad, wrong & detrimental things are happening to me. When I perceive that I am being wronged and experiencing bad or detrimental occurrences, I express my disapproval of what I believe to be happening to me.

When bad things happen to me, I express my impatience, my anger or my fury in a way that is relative to the intensity of my disapproval.

When things do not work out the way I intended, I express my frustration with blame, shame & conviction. I either suffer self guilt or blame, shame & convict others for my own frustrated experience.

When other people do not do things the way that I believe is right, I am critical, sarcastic or cynical of their ability or their actions. Others see my negative judgments as arrogance, self-righteousness, sanctimony & parsimony.

When others serve or mistreat me in a detrimental way, I complain, condemn & denounce them as being sinful, wicked & evil.

My expression of disapproval is relative to my belief of how bad, wrong or detrimental what is happening to me, is. I only ever disapprove of the problems that I appear to be tolerating and the challenges that I believe that I fail. When I meet every challenge, learn every lesson and take every opportunity, there is never any disapproval of either myself or other people.

When I allow life to happen through me, it is always beneficially opportune and only good things materialise, in divine time. I allow life to happen through me when I am unconditionally approving of whatever occurs.

In the absence of disapproval, there are no negative things happening to me in my life.

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