Diagnosis & Prognosis

Gnosis is the knowledge of the Gnostics. The knowledge of the Gnostics is the intuitive, a priori knowledge of insight. The knowledge of Modern Physicians is the rational, a posteriori knowledge of intellectual reasoning.

A Diagnosis is formed using intellectual knowledge from past experience. This rational intelligence, called knowledge, becomes more intellectual and more reliable as more experience is gained through time. Physicians make an intellectual guess, called a diagnosis. They believe that their best guess is intuitive but it is never certain. A diagnosis can therefore be either right or wrong.

A Prognosis is a projection of intellectual reasoning into the future. It is a prediction of how a diagnosis will behave over time. It is intellectually reasonable to assume that if a medical practice has previously cured a complaint, then the prognosis is good. When medical practitioners have no good solution to a complaint, the prognosis is inevitably bad. A prognosis is never considered to be right or wrong as it is always a best guess.

Medical practitioners have no intellectual way of knowing whether either their diagnosis or their prognosis is certainly right or wrong. They are limited by the uncertainty of their best guess, based on past experience.

A Gnostic certainly knows that their a priori intuitive knowledge is certainly true for themselves. Gnosis is the knowledge of the inner guidance & support of one’s own True Self. Gnostic teachings reveal knowledge of the path of an Individual’s Truth.

I cannot diagnose the true nature of my own illness. In truth, my true nature is health. We only ever diagnose illness, never health. The prognosis for a healthy person is always a healthy life. I can prophesy with absolute certainty that a healthy, self healing, person will experience good health with gratitude & appreciation for the duration of their life.

The prognosis for an unhealthy person is an unhealthy life of sickness & disease. An unhealthy person has an unhealthy programme of unhealthy beliefs that cause an unhealthy perspective, with the ongoing effect of an unhealthy experience of life. I know this both intuitively and from my own experience of life. It is certainly not my best guess.

I know with certain intuitive insight that my healthy perspective of life, with my healthy programme of beliefs, allows a prognosis of a very healthy future experience of life. I can prophesy my future health with absolute certainty when exclusively connected to the insightful wisdom of my wise Inner Tutor.

My Healthy Prognosis eliminates the need for any medical diagnosis.

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