Defining Nuance

A Nuance is a slight degree of difference in meaning, feeling, tone or definition.

Defining nuance has distinction, when it defines the difference in definition & meaning of words that form the narrative of our belief system.

Nuance is defined as a fine distinction, with a subtle hint, trace, suspicion, or shade of difference. Subtle, hint, trace, suspicion & shade all define nuance in a different way, which has no distinction. They do not define nuance in a definite way but with subtle hints, traces, suspicions & shades of difference.

My belief system is either true or distorted. It is untrue when it is either corrupted with a fear or a limiting belief that can be challenged & changed or it is distorted with the nuance of a slight degree of difference. Nuance allows me to agree to differ.

When my Self has a slight degree of difference in perspective to my Soul, I am out of alignment with my Truth. As my Truth aligns me on the same path and in exact alignment with my Soul, nuance takes me off track and distinction realigns me on my true path. Trying to follow a similar path is not the same as following the same path, as it will always have the distinct difference of nuance.

Understanding my personal choice of direction, with guidance & support, requires the distinct meaning of nuance and its relevance to clarity. A fine or small degree of nuance in the clarity of my own personal alignment can, over time, take me a long way off track.

Defining the distinction between nuance & distinction is essential to the absolute clarity of my personal perspective. We each have chosen a definite & distinct purpose to fulfil within our incarnate lifetime. Defining the nuance allows me to follow my destiny with clarity & distinction.

A definite nuance is a distinction, has a distinction and allows my distinction.

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