
Credit is the energetic flow of approval. When I am being approving, I am in credit. When I approve of others, I give them credit.

When I am being disapproving, I am in emotional debt. Being disconnected from the energetic flow of approval, puts me into debt emotionally.

Credit is a flow of positive emotion. I always approve of positive emotion, as it is emotionally powerful. Being approving is what makes my emotional state of being positive & powerful.

When I credit my Self with positive emotion, I approve of the emotional feeling that I am attributing to my Self. When I attain a positive emotional attribute, it is to my credit. When I experience a negative emotion, it puts me into energetic debt.

Energetic debt is called an emotional need. When I have an emotional need, it is because I believe myself to be unworthy of crediting myself with a positive attribute. When I believe that my emotional state of being is negative, I put myself into emotional debt.

Any positive emotional attribute is a credit to my Self. Every positive emotional attribute is a credit. I give credit to other people with my positive attitude to them. Every emotionally negative state of being is an emotional need for energy, which is an emotional debt.

Emotional debt is the effect of personal disapproval. When I believe that other people disapprove of me, I disapprove of myself and develop an emotional need for approval. I disapprove of anything that is a toleration and an energy drain. An energy drain is my default into emotional debt as a consequence of my disapproval. It is my disapproval that causes my emotional energy to go into debt.

Being emotionally in debt means that I need emotional energy from other people and I am in debt to them when I get it. The more energetically I get into debt with other people, the more I need and depend on them to credit me with their approval.

When I seek my approval from other people, I will forever be in their debt. Being in debt to another is a drain on my emotional power and my worth, which negatively affects my self esteem.

The more that I approve of my Self, the more approving I am being, the more I give my Self credit, the higher is my Self-worth and the greater is my Self-esteem.

Self-esteem is the credit that I give to my Self when I am confident of the value of my worth. My confidence flows when my Soul sees the value in its Self. When I am worthy of my Soul’s confidence, I value the esteem with which I am credited.

When being approving of everything in my life, I am being creditable. I am able to credit my Self with my Soul’s approval. I can only credit my Self when confiding with my Soul. With the confidence of my Soul, my actions are always creditable. When I confide in my Soul with confidence, my Soul credits its Self with approval.

Without the confidence of my Soul’s approval, I will seek my approval or credit from outside of myself. When I need approval from other people, they will perceive my lack of confidence that defers to their authority and puts me into their debt.

The debt that other people believe that they are owed is called duty, which is always taxing. When in debt to another they will tax me with their need for interest and put me further into debt. Getting someone’s interest and approval can be very emotionally costly.

When I run out of emotional credit, I declare emotional bankruptcy; which is called depression. When we are all drained of our emotional energy by a major catastrophe, it causes a Great Depression.

Money is a physical form of credit or approval. When someone approves of the service that I give to them, they pay me credit. Money is the credit that is given for goods & services that are received.

Currency is the energetic exchange of credit. When currency is a measure of confidence, wealth & esteem; it has credit.

When credit is a measure of monetary assets, it is a measure of status, authority & power over other people. Power over other people is the consequence of their being in debt to you. Slavery is the belief that a debt of duty & service is owed to a Master. When I control another’s debt, I control their confidence, worth & esteem.

When I am in credit to the bank, they are in debt to me. When I am in debt to the bank, they are in credit with me. The bank’s credit comes from my debt to them. My credit comes when I am out of debt.

When I need no credit, I have no debt. When I have credit, I have confidence in my own wealth of value & worth because I confidently hold my Self in the approval of my own esteem. When I confidently hold my Self in the wealth of my own worthy esteem, I credit my Self with approval.

Riches are the physical assets that I credit as being my own because I believe that I own them.

True wealth is the energetic flow of approval with which, I credit my Self. The more I approve of my Self the more credit that I attain. There is no credit in having power over other people and there is no value in trying to be better or richer than others.

True credit flows with the mutual approval, interest, gratitude & appreciation that every Soul has with its Self. My Soul always gives credit where it is due, but never when it is needed.

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