Corporate Pleasing

Pleasing is the contrasting emotion of avarice & greed.

Avarice is the greed of an excessive desire to be rich.

A Corporation is a legal entity formed by a body of people to satisfy their insatiable desire to be rich & powerful.

  • Being greedy is confused with gluttony, which is the desire for selfish excess in life
  • Being pleasing is confused with being pleasant, kind & considerate
  • Being rich is confused with being wealthy
  • Being wealthy is confused with having status, power & being superior to others

Corporate Pleasing is conforming in a compliant, submissive, dutiful & obedient way to the dictates of the status & authority of a legal entity called a Corporation. The legality of a corporation gives it authority and the people who work for the corporation give it their power.

A Corporation exists to satisfy the avarice of its stake-holders and its share holders, not the people that it usefully employs and purports to serve. Corporations serve the avarice of an elite executive who own a stake in that corporate business. Greedy corporations do not serve their workers and support only those who need them and please them.

Useful workers please the greed of their corporate employers because they share the same excessive desire to be either rich or to not be poor. The miserly aspirations of the executive misery is confused with the sadness & misery of any employee who pleases the greed of their employer. Greedy employers use their employees to feed their avarice, driven by both their need to be needed and their workers need to work for them.

Corporate pleasing allows corporate greed to flourish. When the workers withhold their power through choice, corporate authority becomes impotent. Seeing a corporation as useless, enables an individual to use it less and overcome the need to please their own corporate greed.

Only the equality of corporeal equanimity will overcome the gluttony & poverty of pleasing corporate greed.

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