
A Competition is a game to determine who is a Master and who is a Student.

A contest is a game played by two people to decide who is the master and whom is the student. The purpose of every contest is to determine who is the master of most points. The point of the contest is to score points. The one who scores most points is the Master and the one who scores least points is their student. Every student requires a master, in order to learn how to master the art of scoring points.

In a true competition there are no losers. Nobody ever fails to compete for points.

  • The Master wins the title of winner of most points in the contest
  • The Student wins an opportunity to learn more about the art of scoring points

The point of every point is to become a Master of the Game, not a master of their opponent. The point of every game is for a master to allow their student an opportunity for learning, not an opportunity for losing. Losing is a problem, not an opportunity.

Every competitor is a student of every game until they become a master of every game. One who is the master of every game becomes a champion of their competition. A champion has the opportunity to express their mastery of the game to every other student of the game.

A competitor who tries to fight or beat his opponent gets lost in the duality of winning and losing. A competitor who is competing against their self cannot learn, so they cannot win. Mastery is only attained by those who overcome the duality of winning and losing. Those with a win-win mentality have overcome the duality of the Master & the Student.

A Student on the path of Mastery is always learning, so they are always winning the opportunity to show mastery of their art during every point. This is the point of every competition.

Mastery is an art that can be attained by everyone, although few ever do. This ensures that Mastery is a unique attainment. Every competition is an opportunity to attain mastery of the game, not mastery over their opponent. A Master competes with their student, not against their opponent.

Every student faces the challenge of learning the mastery of their art. Any student who sees competing as a problem is a potential loser. Problems are a toleration, which drains emotional energy. When our energy is drained, our challenge is lost.

  • Losers are students who have a problem winning, a problem losing and a problem learning
  • Winners are students who are learning the art of mastering the game

Always remember that the competition is the game, not the opponent. Without the opponent their is no opportunity to learn. The better the opponent, the better the teacher.

The result of every competition between two students is two winners on their own unique path of Competitive Mastery.

Competing requires skill. Mastery is the art of winning the opportunity to display that skill.

A true Champion is a Competitor who has mastered the Art of Winning.

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