Cliche, Contradiction, Custom

A Cliche is an untrue truism.

It is an hackneyed phrase, an old wives tale, an old chestnut or a banal platitude.

The mind gets lost in a forest of cliches as it cannot see the wood for the trees.

A Contradiction in terms has two opposing beliefs.

When my beliefs conflict, my brain short circuits and my light is dimmed.

Contradicting cliches are even more frustrating:

Many hands make light work, yet too many cooks spoil the broth.

Too many cliches cause prevarication and too many contradictions cause procrastination.

A Custom is a routine, a habit, a tradition, a policy or a convention based on the authority & choice of other people.

Customs tax the brain and excise personal authority.

We pay our dues to the customary authorities.

Cliches, contradictions and customs are all false beliefs that limit personal creative freedom.

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