Chasing Money

A man who chases money is a pauper.

A rich man who chases money is a pauper with a lot of money.

Chasing money will make me either rich or poor but it will never give me enough, allow me to be content or bring me the experience of abundance.

It may make me rich with material possessions but not wealthy in spirit.

Chasing debt is the same as chasing money.

Avoiding debt means never borrowing or lending money.

Evading debt means not paying debts that are owed.

Chasing debt and evading debt are the same energy viewed from opposing perspectives.

A rich man and a pauper share the same energy and will be attracted to each other.

They both share the divided energy of gluttony and scarcity, luxury and poverty, extravagance and frugality, which have either too much or too little, not enough or more than enough.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for either a rich or a poor man to enter into heaven.

Heaven is where a Wise & Wealthy Man lives in the abundance and contentment of always having enough of everything in every moment of time.

The only way to have enough of everything that I want is to want for nothing.

When I have gratitude and appreciation for everything that I have, I put more of that into my future.

When I chase money because I believe that I do not have enough, I put that state of lack and scarcity into my future.

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