Belphegor’s Prime

Belphegor’s Prime is a 31 digit prime number: 1000000000000066600000000000001.

Belphegor is renowned as one of the Princes of Darkness responsible for sloth & diligence.

He is equally known as the Patron Saint of invention & Discovery.

Invention & discovery is what I diligently do on my path, unless I am slothful.

Sloth is the state of being off track, confused & lost

666 is known as the mark of the beast.

The real beast is the ego of Man.

In Belphegor’s prime, 666 is equally balanced with 13 zeros on either side & a 1 at either end.

Where 666 equates to Man or the Son of God, 1 relates to God the Father, the zeros represent space or the Holy Spirit.

Man is neutrally balanced in the space created by the Oneness of all that is, the Holy Trinity.

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