Being Irrational

Being Irrational is having no intellectually intelligent knowledge to support reasonable assumptions.

  • It is reasonable to assume that in the absence of rational data & intelligence, the intellect is unintelligent
  • It is reasonable to assume that unintelligent choices are irrational
  • It is reasonable to assume that rational choices are unemotional
  • It is reasonable to assume that emotional intelligence is a knowledgeable understanding of how one feels

It is not emotionally intelligent to assume that emotional feelings are irrational. Such intellectual reasoning assumes that all emotional feelings are an instinctive negative reaction, which is not an intelligent response. It rates all reactions as negative, unintelligent and therefore intellectually unreasonable.

It is the rational intellect that has declared emotion to be irrational, based on its own rationally intelligent assumptions. The paradox is that these rational assumptions have no emotionally intelligent rationale to support them. Without the emotional intelligence to compliment our rational logic, all intellectual assumptions are irrational. They assume only the existence of male rational energy, whilst denying the existence of female emotional energy. They assume quite negatively that their positive female emotional energy is irrational.

Without emotional intelligence it is not possible to intuitively see our own disconnected, insensitive, unemotional, negative expressions of male energy.

Disconnected means that the intellect has no knowledge of any intuitive inner guidance or support. It therefore assumes that it is nonsense because it has no conscious sense of connection to its awareness of personal insight, ingenuity, innovation, initiative, invention or imagination. It is disconnected from its own source of creative potential and certainty of choice. This ensures that uncertain assumptions are the best choice available.

Insensitive means that the intellect has no knowledge or awareness of other people’s emotional feelings.

Unemotional means that the intellect has no awareness of one’s own emotional states of being. At best it is limited to understanding the polarity of emotion with what it calls a conscience.

My lack of emotional intelligence renders me insensitive to other people and disconnected from my own source of emotional power. It is not that I deny the existence of emotions but the fact that I have no intellectual way of rating my emotional feelings, which paradoxically is irrational.

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