Being Idealist

Being Idealist requires a list of ideas.

‘Idea’ derives from the Greek ‘to see’:

  • When ideas are limited to our sense of physical sight, no new concepts are conceived
  • When ideas are seen intuitively, with insight, they are conceived conceptually as concepts

An Idealist intuitively sees ideas that are ideal. An ideal idea is certainly beneficial to experience. The idea of an ideal experience is certainly beneficial for my Self.

A beneficial idea is epistemological, ontological and existential. This means that it exists both mentally & emotionally, as a concept in physical reality. Ideally it is conceived as knowledge with intuitive knowing, as emotion with intuitive feeling, by intuitively seeing it, as a concept in physical existence.

Ideas require thought, feeling & experience to become realised.

  • Without thought, there is no idea
  • Without experience, there is no feeling
  • Without feeling, there is no ideal experience

Feeling the emotion of a physical experience is how I mentally perceive whether an idea is ideal.

The purpose of an Idealist is to conceive the vision of an ideal life, lived on purpose as a personal mission. It is to see an idea conceptually and ideally experience that concept physically, as one’s own personal vision for one’s life.

“An Idealist has a vision, a mission and a purpose in life”

When I conceive of being ‘adjective’, adjectivity becomes a concept or idea that may or may not be ideal for my Self. When I experience being adjective, I realise that it overcomes the duality of being either subjective or objective, which I decide is ideal for me. Having conceived a conceptual idea of being adjective, I experience the feeling of my adjectivity, by becoming mentally aware of my emotional state of being.

Being emotionally intelligent is adjectivity in action. Using an adjective to describe my emotional state of being allows me to list all of the emotional states of being that I experience as being ideal. My ideal list of emotionally adjective states of being, allows my connection to my innate emotional power. Being emotionally powerfully connected is ideal for me.

  • Mentally authorising my emotional power is ideal
  • Physically enabling my mental authority to be emotionally empowered is ideal
  • Intuitively seeing the potential of my ideas is ideal
  • Intuitively feeling the potential power of my ideas is ideal
  • Intuitively knowing the destiny of an Idealist is ideal

In my Ideal world I am fulfilling the destiny of my Idea List.

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