Attaining The Quality Skill Of A Life Coach

The Primary Skill of a Coach is Listening.

The Primary Quality of a Coach is Being Empowered.

The Primary Attainment of a Coach is Presence.

With the attainment of presence, a quality coach is empowered with the skill of listening. The skilful quality of a coach is empowered listening.

Hearing is a physical sense, not a skill. I do not need skill to hear another talk. I require the presence of empowered listening to intuitively see a clear direction for the client. Physically hearing the confused frustration of a lost client is not a quality skill.

Empowered listening allows clear direction to be present. When my empowered listening is present, I intuitively see, feel & know a clear direction for the client is presently being presented. A clear direction in life is always present but it requires empowered listening to intuitively see it clearly.

Listening is a coaching skill that can be learned with the development of our intuitive senses. Intuition is a sense that can be developed because it is innate within everyone. I cannot teach another to be intuitive but I can coach them to connect to their own intuitive presence.

Intuitive presence allows the presence of intuition. I cannot teach another to be present but I can coach them to attain presence. I cannot empower my client but I can coach them to connect to their inner power within.

With the presence of their own intuitive connection, the client is empowered to listen to their own clear direction in life. With enough emotional power present, the skill of listening can be accomplished instantly.

When disconnected from my inner source of emotional power, my hearing is misdirected towards the outer world; where I can get lost, confused and very frustrated.

The Primary Role of a Life Coach is to restore the presence of a clear direction in life for their client. When disempowered the client is unable to hear their own clear messages of direction, which are always present.

Being present with the client allows the Coach to listen to the client’s messages, which are there to offer them a clear direction. When the client is disconnected from their own intuitive direction, the Coach allows them to see their lessons, which once learned reconnect them to their own beneficial opportunities in life.

With the presence of empowered listening, the Coach intuitively reconnects the Client to their own personal path of beneficial opportunity.

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