Attaining Distinction

My Distinction doesn’t come from what I am doing. It comes from who I am being whilst I am doing what I am doing.

Attaining Divine Attributes has Distinction. Divine Attributes have Distinction because they are not divided with a dual reality.

Normal human behaviour follows normal human beliefs that are experienced with normal human emotions.

Normal human beliefs, behaviours and emotions do not by definition have distinction.

Normal human beliefs create behaviours that have emotions with a wide range of intensity.

The intensity of human behaviour is determined by the polarity (positive or negative) of the belief and the gender (male or female) of the emotional state of being with which the behaviour is carried out.

Balancing the polarity of my beliefs brings them into harmony and attains Distinction.

Balancing the gender of my emotional feelings unites them in co-operation and equilibrium and attains Distinction.

Equalising the intensity of my behaviour is achieved by balancing the polarity of my beliefs and the gender of my emotional state of being.

The polarity of my beliefs is the direction in which my beliefs allow me to make choices. (Whether I believe that something is either good or bad for me and I either want it or not).

The gender of my emotions is determined by which perspective of life my beliefs allow me. (e.g. whether I have learned to be proud or to have humility)

When the polarity and gender of my emotional energy is no longer divided, I have overcome the duality of physical life and I attain distinction.

In this physical world of relative dual reality, duality is the norm, distinction is required to be attained.

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