Attachment Styles

Attachment Styles are the different ways that we attach to other people to get our emotional needs met.

There are different styles of emotional attachment:

Assertive Attachment is the style of the Intimidator, whose drama is to assert control over others.

Rational Attachment is the style of the Interrogator, who needs information & answers to control others.

Sympathetic Attachment is the style of the Poor Me, who needs others to sympathise with their pain.

Insensitive Disconnection is the style of the Aloof, who needs to disconnect to gain  the attention they need.

Unconditional Attachment is the style of the Dependent, who needs unconditional emotional support.

Secure Attachment is the style of the Co-dependent, who needs the security of mutual support in their relationship.

Inclusive Attachment is the style of the Inter-dependent, who needs groups of people to meet their needs.

Principle Attachment is in the style of the Family, who are the principal source of emotional support.

Ethical Attachment is in the style of our own Culture, who are our own kind & with whom we feel most comfortable.

Moral Attachment is in the style of our Religion, who need the moral guidance & support of the church to feel safe.

Disconnection from our emotional attachments is called Detachment, which allows an Inter-developmental connection to an exclusive path of destiny.

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