Abundant Opportunities

Opportunities for expansive spiritual growth are abundant. I expansively grow, when I meet the challenge to learn a life lesson. When I learn my lesson, I receive an opportunity for expansive growth. Learning to grow expansively is my greatest opportunity. It realises my vision, it accomplishes my mission and it fulfils my purpose for choosing this unique lifetime.

There are equally opportunities that do not align with my mission because they fulfil a different purpose, which is not aligned with what my Soul has envisioned for its Self in this lifetime.

When I am out of alignment with my Soul’s vision for its Self, I am emotionally disempowered and discontent, which is a problem. When I am challenged with a problem, there is no opportunity for growth. Finding a solution to my problem fails to realise any opportunity for growth.

Meeting my opportunities for expansive growth allows an abundance of new opportunities to flow into my life. Failing to see the opportunity to learn a lesson and expansively grow is a problem because it disempowers my confident authority. When I confide in my Soul’s direction, I have the sovereign authority of wise choice that allows my lesson to be learned and my opportunity to be realised.

Spiritual Development is an abundance of opportunities to expansively grow my Self for the benefit of my Soul and an abundance of opportunities to evolve the Soul for the benefit of my Self.

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