A Divine Master

A Divine Master is one who has mastered being divine.

Being divine requires the ability to express divine states of being as a physical entity on Earth.

Expressing divine states of being allows the experience of a divine reality.

Being a Spiritual Master in a spiritual realm is natural for a Spiritual Being.

Being a Divine Master entails living a Divine Life in the physical realm of Earth.

It is being a master of one’s divine spiritual essence in the physical domain of this planet.

Divine states of Being overcome the duality of a relative world.

It is not about being spiritual or physical but overcoming the duality of both.

Overcoming duality by  mastering divine states of being allows the experience of divine mastery.

I am mastering my divinity by divining my mastery.

Divine states of being are a divine experience from the perspective of the physical realm.

A Divine Master is one who chooses the experience of a divine or ideal life in Heaven on Earth.

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