What An Alien Is!

An Alien is a conscious sentient creature that is unfamiliar.

I am familiar with all the creatures that inhabit the Earth’s land, sea & sky.

However, newly discovered creatures at the bottom of the deep oceans may appear alien in nature.

As do insects appear alien when magnified under a microscope.

Any physical form that appears unfamiliar to me, I perceive to be alien.

Any physical characteristics that are unfamiliar are alien to me.

Anything that is not akin to the creatures of the Earth is alien to me.

Any version of reality that has more than three dimensions is alien to me.

An Alien is a creature or a sentient Being with consciousness that has unfamilar characteristics & behaviours and originates from a different space-time reality to Earth.

A Being of Consciousness is a manifestation into physical reality of the creativity of mindful thought.

An Alien is a conscious thinking Being with a mind & thoughts that are unfamiliar to myself.

Any manifestation of consciousness, of which I am unfamiliar, is alien to me.

In the mind of the Soul there are no alien life forms.

Nothing is unfamiliar in the Universal Family of the Soul.

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