
Everything in our Universe is an energy vibration.

All forms of energy are a vibration.

Without vibration there is no energy.

All forms of matter are a slower vibration.

Vibration is frequency and wavelength of energy united.

Frequency determiness the positive and negative aspects of a vibration that is its polarity.

Wavelength determines the male and female aspects of a vibration that is its gender.

The frequency and wavelength of a vibration is called its intensity.

Therefore intensity determines the frequency and wavelength of a vibration.

The intensity of a vibration’s frequency is experienced as fast or slow.

Fast frequencies are felt as positive and slow frequencies as negative.

The intensity of a vibration’s wavelength is experienced as hot, cold, cool or warm.

  • Negative female wavelengths are hot.
  • Negative male wavelengths are cold.
  • Positive female wavelengths are warm.
  • Positive male wavelengths are cool.

The polarity and gender of  an energy determines its intensity of vibration.

All thoughts, words and actions are carried on an emotional vibration that has an intensity determined by the gender of its wavelength  and the polarity of its frequency.

  • Arrogance is a negative male aspect of emotion with a counterbalanced positive female aspect of humbleness.
  • Sloth is a negative female aspect of emotion counterbalanced with a positive male attribute of diligence.
  • Envy is a negative male aspect of emotion counterbalanced with a positive female aspect of kindness,
  • Gluttony is a negative female aspect of emotion counterbalanced by a positive male attribute of scarcity called abstinence or poverty.
  • Anger is a negative female aspect of emotion counterbalanced by a positive male aspect of patience.
  • Wrath is a negative male aspect of emotion counterbalanced by a positive female aspect of meekness.

The wavelength of conscious energy in motion is called an  ’emotion’.

The frequency of conscious energy in motion is called a  ‘thought’.

A conscious thought with the awareness of emotion is an energy vibration called an ‘experience’.

The ‘Light’ of our thoughts plus the ‘Love’ of our emotions equals the experinences of our ‘Life’.

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