The Christmas Message

Mass is a celebration.

Christmas is a celebration of Christ Consciousness.

Christmas Day is the day that Christ Consciousness is born in our Self.

Jesus was born with the Consciousness of the Christ.

Christ means ‘King’ of the Kingdom of Heaven.

On the day Jesus was born, Christ Consciousness became the potential for all Men. Amen.

This is the Christmas Message of Jesus: “You too can be like me”.

All Men have the potential to attain Christ Consciousness.

Christ Consciousness is not about being conscious of Jesus.

Christ Consciousness is:

  •  Being Consciously-Aware of our own Divinity and our own Spiritual Potential.

Which is the Spiritual Intelligence of:

  • Knowing our own Authority
  • Feeling our own Power
  • Seeing our own Ability

Christmas is an annual celebration of the Attainment of our own unique Power, Authority and Ability.

It is our reminder to live Life in the Image of Christ and join him in the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is an expression of our ability to be King of our own Heaven here on Earth.

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