Dementia Is A Battle Of The Will

The Will is the authority of the sub-conscious mind.

When I say I will: I first check with my sub-conscious mind to see if my authority has enough emotional power.

I only become conscious of my will power when I do not have it, which is when I need it.

An inner conflict occurs when I have the mental will without the emotional power. At this point, I believe that I need will power, or motivation, to do what I want to do. My inner conflict is caused by my conscious mental choice being out of alignment with my sub-conscious need for emotional power.

When my emotional power is aligned with my mental authority, there is no inner conflict and I have the ability to fulfil my choice of action. When I am out of alignment, my ‘I will’ is in conflict with my ‘I Am’.

My I Am, is my emotional state of being that determines my emotional power. My will is my mental focus. My mental focus is my perspective, which is relative to my personal beliefs of what is possible for me. What is possible for me is relative to the emotional power that I have available.

Low emotional power is an effect of dementia, which is caused by the belief in what is possible or not. It contributes to the dementia by reinforcing the belief that something is not possible because of insufficient emotional power.

It is important to understand that dementia is a mental issue that causes emotional problems, not an emotional issue that causes mental problems. The most common emotional problem is a lack of will power that causes the will to choose a negative choice of non action.

The will is the mental authority of the ego Self, which allows choice. When aligned with the essence of the True Self, it is empowered to act.

I experience inner conflict when the choice of my ego Self is out of alignment with my true essential self. It is this inner conflict that causes the need for motivation, which we call will power.

My own will power is called self-motivation and I am self motivated when I am able to meet my need for emotional power myself.

When I need the motivation of other people, I need other people to supply my emotional energy need and being dependent on their emotional energy, I have to succumb to their will.

The inner conflict that I create because I cannot meet my own need for emotional power, so that I can have what I want, is different to any external conflict that I cause with other people.

The external conflict between two individual egos is caused when one person’s will is in conflict with another’s. The battle of two wills is the conflict between two egotistical belief systems.

It is often apparent with a dementia patient that, even though they may have lost their memory, their will is very much present.

When we lose our will to live, death becomes very imminent. Will power remains the driving force of all human Beings throughout their entire life.

The question is: Is the will divinely empowered or is it motivated by an emotional need?

A unique set of emotional needs is exclusive to each person individually. Understanding the individual & specific emotional interaction that a dementia patient needs is essential to being able to externally motivate them.

Remember, dementia is a mental incapacity, it is not relative to any specific emotional needs but it can affect the ability of the Individual to get their emotional needs met their self.

We all have our own unique set of emotional needs, whether we suffer with dementia or not; which means both the carer and the patient have their own unique ways of sub-consciously sourcing their emotional power.

The questions for every Carer to consider:

  1. Are you meeting the patient’s emotional needs as well as their physical needs?
  2. Are you motivating the patient or demotivating them?
  3. Are you giving them the emotional power to do your mental will or are you blocking their ability to do what you are asking?
  4. Are you creating the conflict of a battle of wills or are you bringing the the will of two different people into alignment?

Forcing one’s will onto someone who you care for is a contradiction in perspective. Would we ever force our will onto someone who we deeply care for?

There is a strongly held belief within the caring profession that you have to be cruel to be kind and in order to properly care for someone, they have to do whatever they are asked to do whenever they are asked. This goes against every principle contained within a spirit of independence.

Life is a physical experience of spiritual independence. When we break someone’s spirit we not only disconnect them from their own independent source of authority but we totally disempower them as well.

Remember, the definition of a bully is someone who forcefully drains your emotional energy. In the battle of two wills there are always two bullies fighting for supremacy with the loser becoming the victim, which makes the winner a villain.

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