Cause & Create

I Cause an effect.

I Create a creation.

I am the creation of a Creator.

I effect a cause.

I can be the creator, the creation or both.

I can be both the creator of the creation & the creation of the creator.

I can be the cause or I can be the experiencer of the effect.

I am the cause of my own experience.

My experience of the effect, affects the cause.

How I perceive the cause affects the effect & the outcome.

The cause is the focus of my perspective based on my belief about the outcome.

A good cause causes a good outcome whereas a bad cause does not.

The effect is how I perceive the experience.

Creativity is never bad.

An experienced Creator does not cause either a good or a bad effect.

I cause an effect when I do not see my Self as the creator of the experience.

As the Cause, I experience the effect, one way or another.

As the Creator, I am the creation of my own way.

Every creation is created with good intent.

In absolute reality there is no bad Creator & there is no wrong Intent.

In relative dual reality, every good cause can have a good or a bad effect.

Cause & Effect is a creation of the Creator.

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