
Hierarchy is the formalisation of greed. It is how we rationalise who is better than whom.

Hierarchy amongst birds is a ‘pecking order’.

Hierarchy in a family is inherited by age.

Hierarchy in busines is called a management structure.

Hierarchy in royalty delineates the succession to the throne.

Hierarchy is the structure of perceived power.

In all walks of life people are diligently climbing the social and work ladder of success, to raise themselves up the hierarchy of society to become more powerful.

Society perceives power to originate from status, money and knowledge. Hierarchy is therefore determined by one or all of these criteria.

Status is decided by title, which is determined by our position within the hierarchy of our society.

Money and knowledge are used to buy status in the hierarchy of our society.

Status and knowledge are used to earn more money in our society.

Money and status are used to purchase education and knowledge in our society.

Perceived personal power is measured by an individuals influence in society, which in turn is measured by how much status, wealth and knowledge they have.

The most influential people have most money, most status and most knowledge and sit at the pinnacle of our society’s hierarchy. They are also the most greedy.